Film Trailer

Wednesday 16 September 2009

Sin City Trailer

This is the trailer for Sin City(2005). I really like this trailer because it uses characteristics of film noir and the comic like effect. I like the fact that there is a lot going on in the trailer because it makes it more interesting to watch and doesn't give any of the film away.

The genre of the film is Action/Crime/Thriller. The mention of murder and police sirens suggests the crime genre and then the fast-paced editing and action later on in the trailer shows that the genre is action and thriller too. This would appeal to a wider audience because it falls into the category of three different genres, also making it more exciting.

This trailer has the typical characteristics of film noir, for example the urban landscapes, low-key lighting, shadows, and canted camera angles. This is really effective because it adds mystery.

I like the drawings of the characters used in the trailer because it gives it a comic-like effect, which is cool and it appeals to a younger audience. The bursts of colour between the B&W is also effective because it makes the trailer interesting to watch. It also highlights things that the audience should notice. The red writing is effective because it stands out against the B&W background. It is also like a reoccurring motif and shows prominence and represents the sin in the city.

As far as sound is concerned, there is a voice-over explaining the situation of the character being framed for murder. It is said in a low quiet voice, which is effective because it sounds mysterious. There is a music track throughout as well as diegetic sound like the thunder and rain.

There are some good camera shots used, including close-ups like at the beginning to introduce the audience to the characters. Zooming, like in the car when the camera zooms in on the guy with the blood on his face to emphasise this. Also a lot of different angles, for example at the end there is a low-angle shot looking up, making the character seem superior.

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