Film Trailer

Thursday 4 February 2010

Filming Update

Earlier in the blog I wrote about our initial filming at the fire station and the action shots that we filmed. Since then we have filmed a lot more shots trying to vary the angles and content.
After watching the trailer, Nightmare on Elm Street, it gave us a few ideas of what we could film etc.
Below are the notes we made before going out to the filming location, we wrote the clips that we had already previously filmed in green and the clips we still need to film in red...

Scene in tower
- Running up ladder
- LS of tower (kicking and screaming)
- Exit door
- Angry desk rawr
- Looking through window at tower
- Some chase scene footage
- Drawer clip, with gun and photo
- Boy looking through door

- woods: jump out at jade
- sunset
- hair / barbed wire
- hair stuff
- jade in rain (stalker)

Dr. Avril
- canted angle shot
- sounds “do you know what started this” etc

CU of Police man Allen Spencer (Daniel Sloan) sleeping
Police walking (shadow)

More sleeping shots – waking up, messed up bed, someone having a troubled nights sleep, person shouting ‘wake up’.

Voice over – ‘Once Upon A Time’, ‘Sweet Dreams’ - credits
Book – turning pages, on fire

More hair scenes – nice playing with hair, running in slow motion (different angles), contrast with horrible ripping and pulling hair.
Grabbing hair from behind (filmed from the side)
More chase scenes – remember to use different angles (such as perspective)
CCTV shot
Running away – broken shots
Torch/car lights
Leaves being blown (fan?)

I found it very useful to have noted down exactly what we needed to film because it meant we could complete all the filming in about an hour, which was essential since it was starting to get too dark to film.
We had arranged with our actress, Emily Silsby, to meet at the location so that we could film the required shots and it turned out to be a successful filming session. We managed to get a variety of different shots with different angles, which would really add some interest into our trailer, i believe.

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